Advanced Placement United States History is a college-level course providing analysis and evaluation of American historical concepts and themes. Historical issues will be studied and interpreted through primary and secondary sources. Students must actively participate in class discussions, effectively complete critical writing exercises and essays, and practice historical thinking skills through research and analysis. Consistent effort will prepare students to achieve high scores on the AP exam and may earn university/college credit.

The following themes will be included in the chronological narrative of the course outline units: American and National Identity (NAT); Migration and Settlement (MIG); America in the World (WOR); Culture and Society (CUL); Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT); Politics and Power (POL); Geography and Environment (GEO)

Throughout the course, students will develop and master historical thinking skills. The following skills will be practiced through activities, assignments, and assessments in each course outline unit: Chronological Reasoning (Historical Causation; Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time; Periodization); Comparison and Contextualization; Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence (Historical Argumentation; Appropriate Use of Historical Evidence); Historical Interpretation and Synthesis
Skill Level: Beginner